Following a successful inaugural year, International Women’s Golf Day will return on 6 June 2017.
Indeed more than 550 golf clubs and facilities, spread across 39 countries, have already signed up.
As highlighted recently by founder Elisa Gaudet on the Golf Channel, International Women’s Golf Day is all about inclusiveness. It invites clubs and facilities to offer four-hour events that enable women and girls to experience golf for the first time, as well as encouraging current and former golfers to play and engage with others interested in golf.
Whilst it might require some adaptation to the weather and available daylight in many parts of Australia in June, the suggested format is to split the four hours equally between some relaxed playing and learning (depending on existing capability) and socialising and networking.
This could perhaps mean kicking off with some Swing Fit style learning activities, with the second half of the session then providing a great way for locations to showcase learning and participation programs, what’s happening at the club or facility and membership opportunities. Some venues are even including tours or special guest speakers.
We’d love to see as many Australian clubs and facilities kicking off what will be almost 24 hours of continuous activity around the globe – all focused on getting more women into golf.
To register your club or facility as an International Women’s Golf Day location, click here, and for more information head to
Tips for a successful International Women’s Golf Day event
· Check out Elisa Gaudet talking about the day on the Golf Channel and peruse the website
· Post an announcement on your website and social media channels
· Utilise your membership database to email and invite members and prospects
· Ask current customers and/or members to introduce others to the game
· Fuel your social media platforms with inviting posts and photos
· Include key members of your extended team (committees, volunteers, etc) as advocates and promoters
· Display and promote your existing programs and initiatives
· Have hire clubs available on the day
· Encourage attendees to come back for lessons, to play, dine or shop
· Offer club fitting for attendees
· Reach out to local businesses, health clubs, and schools in your local community and invite them
· Wear red on event day, take and share photos and encourage participants to do likewise using #womensgolfday